
Retreive subscription key

When APIs get published through CAPIM, it's easy and common to secure access to those APIs by using subscription keys. Developers who need to consume the published APIs must include a valid subscription key in HTTP requests when they make calls to those APIs.

The CAPIM Developer Portal is the place to retreive the subscription key, here is how:

Log in

  • Developers can log in using A7 account:

  • Consumers can log in using a VF account:

  • External accounts can log in by invitation from VF contact

Find product

  • Go to "Products" page on this portal

  • Search your Product's name.
    Once you found it, click on it
    and subscribe

  • The VIP team will provide you
    with the "Product" name once
    the CAPIM façade for your API is ready

Retreive key

  • Go to "Profile" on this portal

  • Locate the list of products you
    are subscribed to and select
    "Show" to see the value of your

  • Requests to the API require this subscription key. Add the
    following header on the request:

Explore available Products and APIs

CAPIM publishes all APIs in a container called "Product". A "Product" contains one or more APIs, a usage quota, and the terms of use. After publication, developers can subscribe to the product and begin to use the product's APIs.

In this Developer Portal, you can explore all the available "Products" and start consuming their APIs in your solutions, all you need to do is subscribe and obtain your key.

Use authentication and authorization

Each incoming API consumer call must be authenticated before CAPIM forwards the call to the backend.

CAPIM offers the following authentication options:

OAuth or OpenID
(JWTs | Json Web Tokens)

  • Short lived tokens which provide authentication and authorization

Client certificate

  • Unique client certificates for individual end-users

Basic authentication

  • Only if none of the other options works for the use case

  • Needs BISO approval + request of security exception

Learn more about CAPIM

The VIP team manages the CAPIM platform and has a dedicated site with more details about CAPIM. Visit the SharePoint site to discover a whole section containing How To files and videos..

Please request access to Common API Management SharePoint by contacting a VIP team member.